Saturday 15 March 2014

Research Method, Case Study by Yonathan

Ronald Fidel is 76 years old. He is not able to walk like normal people. Walking stick must be beside him every time. In a daily life, he usually only take a bath once a day due to his physical condition. He does it by himself without help from others.

According to the information the researcher gathered from Ronald Fidel, bathroom in his house sometimes is slippery. But he says that it can be helped by the handle bars that fully furnished in the wall of his bathroom. Most of his bathing time he cling to the handle bars and he doesn’t mind at all about it.

Major problem that researcher found in Ronald Fidel case is about toilet seating. Ronald Fidel physical condition do not allow him to stand and sit comfortably. While in this case, his bathroom has toilet seats that researcher found is too low for him.
Researcher think about how to solve Ronald Fidel problem. The toilet seat must not too low for old people. Toilet seat must be designed to allow old people sit and stand as easy as possible.

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