Wednesday 31 July 2013

According to the Plan

Hello, today is Wednesday July 31. Andddd,, taadaaa~

Familiar store in Bras Basah Complex

I started the day with shopping in Artfriend. Hahaha, yeah I know, NAFA peoples usually set foot in this store very often. I bought material for 3D Fundamentals and Drawing Fundamentals tomorrow.

The next destination is Punggol. Why Punggol? Because when I searched on Google on the beach in Singapore, I found this picture:

Image on Google with keyword : "Punggol Beach"
Beautiful, isn't it? I have a plan to photograph this beach today \(^o^)/

But when it came in Punggol, and followed the instructions in the internet, took a bus 82 to the end of Punggol Road, I did not find a trace of sand beach at all. Hahaha~ So, I only took a walk around Punggol Road. (T_T)

Bench, Tree, and Punggol | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi
I arrived at Punggol Park.

Many people were exercising and children were playing around. There was an uncle who sat on the bench and played the flute, but I forgot to photographed him because I was sitting next to him, listening to his music.

I also saw a homeless uncle who was sleeping. So I secretly photographed him. Hehehe. This is his photo :

Homeless Uncle | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi

I also found Buddhist and Chinese building (apparently a temple) near that park. And see artistic sculpture and statue.
Buddhist Statue, Punggol Road | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi
Chinese Statue, Punggol Road | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi

Chinatown from Flyover 1 | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi
Time flies so fast, it was nearly 7 PM. So, I decided to stop by at Chinatown once before returning to the hostel. I ate noodles and look around Chinatown. The place is very crowded and full of places to eat.

I walked on flyover there, I took some pictures of the buildings in Chinatown.
Chinatown from Flyover 2 | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi
“The future depends on what you do today.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

A very tiring day. Indeed, the plan from the beginning was photographed beach in Punggol. But who knew that this day did not go according to the plan. The future is unpredictable, but we can not stop time.

The Beyonce's song : I was here, echoing in my mind.

"I want to say I lived each day, until I die
And know that I meant something in, somebody's lifeThe hearts I have touched, will be the proof that I leaveThat I made the difference, and this world will see"
"I just want them to knowThat I gave my all, did my bestBrought someone to happinessLeft this world a little better just because
I Was Here"
“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” ― Mother Teresa 

The future does not always go according to plan. But don't waste your day, let's start to live every moment every day! 

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