Monday 2 September 2013

SNF 2013 @museum

Continuing last post...

Festival Time!!!

Friday, 30 August. I went to Singapore Night Festival 2013 with other friends. Near Brasbasah MRT, I see a stage with musical drama. It is crowded!

There are some unique star hanging on a tree. Lampion in the night is uplifting the feel.

We took a walk and then found people play acrobat. It is a tightrope walking. I try to play this thing, but I forgot to take picture because it is too much fun. We must stabilize our weight with hand and one leg. The games is just like this. Many people in festival see me try this game.

I can walk up there but only half a rope before falling hehehe...

Some decorative view can be seen in front of SOTA. Here they are, the paper plane glowing in the dark :

The festival filled with light in explorative ways. The museum cannot be forgotten to be spotted in light!

I wonder where are the projector and how many is there to light up the building..
Then.... We entered the museum...

But WHOOPS!! Something huge approaching!! What is that???

 What a big guy!? It is almost 2,5 meter high!

Inside the museum, I found the old something-looked-like-camera :

And again, there are some acrobatic view inside the museum, and I'm willing to try it! This is my photo when I play this acrobat. What a hyperactive person I am (=.=)"

A tiring-but-fun day! After I got home, I fell asleep. Last week was a very tiring week. So, I want to apologize to you (the reader) for not keep this blog alive for a short time. \(^o^)/ I wish the lecture didn't read this hahaha.... See you next post! :)


Last Thursday 29 August, I notice something unusual. Many people didn't notice this, because small things like this are 'unseen'. Firstly, I look at the reflection in the window at canteen and think, "something's wrong.."

DIDN'T SEE IT?? See the NAFA flag...

HAHAHA... I'm wondering who set up the flag like that??

Monday 12 August 2013

Garbage Dress

Recycle. It's a word, easy to speak but hard to do. Things that human used will someday turn into a garbage. But a garbage won't turn into anything, unless we used it creatively. Many thing can be craft from garbage.

In my hometown, Indonesia, people are very unaware about the environment. There are a place where tons of garbage is gathered. So little effort was made to recycle unused stuff.

While that happen, many art competition held by many school in my town used this opportunity. For example, fashion competition from recycled stuff. I joined this competition with 7 others.

We made a queen dress from 18th century feeling. It is a dress for antagonic character such as an evil queen in Snow White story, but dominating with brown color. Brown because a lot of material we used is from unused paper, unused box, and unused cement paper. And other recycled thing for the details.

Let's make a closer look to the dress :

Trashy thing became an elegant thing. All we need is an idea and an effort to realize it. Mason Cooley has said : "Human society sustains itself by transforming nature into garbage." Then, the challenge is : How can we transform the garbage itself? What can you see from trash? What can you see from our nature? Are we care enough to make the world to be a better place by starting to value our earth?

Can we make our environment looks better?
"To me, I think people who don't think it's a big deal to toss a plastic bottle in the garbage are not only being irresponsible, but I think they're being disrespectful of all the other humans on earth." - Sophia Bush

Thursday 8 August 2013


Mading is Indonesian term for a paper contain a lot of information and it supposed to be sticked to the wall. That's why it called 'Majalah Dinding', translated in English : 'Wall Magazine'. This information rendered in 2 dimensional form. But in modern time, many people think in more creative ways. They think information can be provided in 3 dimensional ways too. Now, Mading is not only in 2D but also in 3D.

There are Mading Competition called Deteksi in Surabaya, East Java. Highschool student from many city gather in to compete against each other. The Mading competition is categorized into many section, like 2 dimension, 3 dimension, and moveable Mading. Moveable means the Mading moved with electricity or many other sources to show some information provided. Mading 2 dimension is not a flat mading, but it can contain depth but not exceed 30 cm. While the 3 dimensional is a huge mading. Usually taller than the people.

I took a picture of some Mading.

Mading titled Coup Monte by SMA Petra 1 Surabaya :


This 2 dimensional Mading contain a lot information about plant and flower. We can directly knows it by visual within the decoration. It made with material such as styrofoam, wood, straw, paper, string, and . For the lighting, they used an interesting show-lamp to brighten the detail. Yes, it contains a lot of detail from this work.

This is 3D Mading with Chinese theme :

Every 3D Mading always done with artificial light built-in the work.

And this is 3D Mading with music and puppet :

There are a button in this mading, when we press it, the mading will produce the sound of classical music. We can play a string puppet too in here. You must already know right away what information is provided in this work.

I also have some picture of team from my school work every year, but the photo-file was left in Indonesia. Sadly, I can't show you right now. Last year, we work on Disney theme. So, we build a huge cinderella disney castle with sparkling glitter. And a blue tiny dog (icon of the competition) called Det, set in the Disney costume like Mickey Mouse, Disney Princess, and other Disneys. And this year our team work on Circus theme.

Wednesday 31 July 2013

According to the Plan

Hello, today is Wednesday July 31. Andddd,, taadaaa~

Familiar store in Bras Basah Complex

I started the day with shopping in Artfriend. Hahaha, yeah I know, NAFA peoples usually set foot in this store very often. I bought material for 3D Fundamentals and Drawing Fundamentals tomorrow.

The next destination is Punggol. Why Punggol? Because when I searched on Google on the beach in Singapore, I found this picture:

Image on Google with keyword : "Punggol Beach"
Beautiful, isn't it? I have a plan to photograph this beach today \(^o^)/

But when it came in Punggol, and followed the instructions in the internet, took a bus 82 to the end of Punggol Road, I did not find a trace of sand beach at all. Hahaha~ So, I only took a walk around Punggol Road. (T_T)

Bench, Tree, and Punggol | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi
I arrived at Punggol Park.

Many people were exercising and children were playing around. There was an uncle who sat on the bench and played the flute, but I forgot to photographed him because I was sitting next to him, listening to his music.

I also saw a homeless uncle who was sleeping. So I secretly photographed him. Hehehe. This is his photo :

Homeless Uncle | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi

I also found Buddhist and Chinese building (apparently a temple) near that park. And see artistic sculpture and statue.
Buddhist Statue, Punggol Road | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi
Chinese Statue, Punggol Road | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi

Chinatown from Flyover 1 | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi
Time flies so fast, it was nearly 7 PM. So, I decided to stop by at Chinatown once before returning to the hostel. I ate noodles and look around Chinatown. The place is very crowded and full of places to eat.

I walked on flyover there, I took some pictures of the buildings in Chinatown.
Chinatown from Flyover 2 | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi
“The future depends on what you do today.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

A very tiring day. Indeed, the plan from the beginning was photographed beach in Punggol. But who knew that this day did not go according to the plan. The future is unpredictable, but we can not stop time.

The Beyonce's song : I was here, echoing in my mind.

"I want to say I lived each day, until I die
And know that I meant something in, somebody's lifeThe hearts I have touched, will be the proof that I leaveThat I made the difference, and this world will see"
"I just want them to knowThat I gave my all, did my bestBrought someone to happinessLeft this world a little better just because
I Was Here"
“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” ― Mother Teresa 

The future does not always go according to plan. But don't waste your day, let's start to live every moment every day! 

Thursday 25 July 2013

With Love, Your Children

Hello reader, this time I'm gonna share my thought about pictures I have taken a year ago. I took this pictures in my holiday vacation to Kupang, Indonesia last year. The object is native people on that beautiful, unspoiled island.

Native 'Baun' Children | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi

What did you see from this photograph?
A girl with a blanket? A boy who starring at me? Sad faces? Innocent faces? Two homeless child?

Well, I took this photo in the morning when go to secluded waterfall in one area. The breeze was cold, and this two children sat on the rock near the waterfall alone. I have no idea where their parents are because I think this two children slept in that area overnight.
     But I don't want to criticize the parents in this post, I want to discuss about how the children should feel and think about their parents.

Youth age is a great time to play and have fun. When I see children, I do not see a human being, but I see a freedom. I see honesty in their eyes, and I really can't bear to see these things disappear.

What I saw that morning were two children who lost their joy. It is very sad to see the children bear the sadness in their hearts.
Water Fall

I was a child who doesn't have a mother since I was 6 years old. My parents divorced and I feel that sadness. I really do not want anyone else experienced this. Fortunately, I have a great father. He is my first hero. He is my first teacher. He is a good listener and also a good adviser. He is my best friend and He'll always be there for me and my brother.

Holding Hand | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi

Parents are the most valuable things owned by a child even though they do not realize it. Over time, children grow up and parents getting older. Often, we do not realize that time is a thing that can not be repeated and replaced.

This is my first blog post and I dedicate this to my father in Indonesia. I miss him very much. I realized when I started my life in Singapore that I really really love him.

This is the first showcase about my feeling right now. When I see this photograph on my laptop, I remembered the beautiful thing that God gave it to me in my home. Even though I didn't remember the detail of every childhood memories, I realize that I didn't only feel a sadness. I feel the joy overflow like a fountain in the garden and it never dries. I can feel the struggle
"What it's like to be a parent: It's one of the hardest things you'll ever do but in exchange it teaches you the meaning of unconditional love. ― Nicholas Sparks, The Wedding"
Let me share my photoworks that time here.

Grilled Banana in Lasiana Beach | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi
Curiosity | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi
Se'i | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi
Sunset at Lasiana Beach | Photographer : Yonathan Mulyadi